- What is it? An app that allows the user to interact with historical locations around London through AR learning about what took place in each location. The user can collect artefacts at each historical place which they can then augment in any location.
- Who’s it for? Aimed at children to be interest them in learning about history through obscure and interesting events.
- How is it unique? Offers a method to explore London and learn about obscure histories. Enables users to interact with the history to create a more dynamic, playful learning experience.
- Character concept: Pigeon - guides you in app and gives information about the historical locations (playful, chatty, friendly).

This Image shows how our first idea would work to engange the user into taking an object from the scene to look at a later date where they could place the item linked to the monument. I wanted to show how we could make the object react when filmed through AR. But looking back on it I think the idea seemed a bit boring and not too apealing to a mass audience.

These LiDAR scans were acheived by cyclying around london and finding the places we wanted to talk and teach people about the weird stories that happened at the the locations. We were excited to extract the objects from the locations and make them into individual objects users could spawn through AR and learn these facts we researched about them.
- What is it? An app that allows the user to interact with locations through AR. Users can tell their own stories/perspectives that are unique to the specific place, and their opinion can be heard. The user can collect the diaries from locations which they can later look back on in their library.
- Who’s it for? The purpose it serves is to tell stories of places through the lens of the individual. Ages 18-60.
- How is it unique? Our App is unique in the way it documents peoples perspectives and keeps it logged within a space for people to extract and learn from. In addition, it can be used as a tool to understand and share opinions to form a community of clashing ideologies.
“To form and inform a community”
You can go to the location then write in the diary, once you have been there you can collect the book and read what is being added anywhere from your library.
Locations can be personal or social histories (personal experiences, protests, historical occasions, etc).
Users will only be recognisable from their age, occupation, gender, etc. We want to keep it anonymous, but to be able to see how different communities/age ranges/classes, etc may have differing opinions.
Historical Perspective Platfor

After we changed our idea I wanted to imagine how we could collect these comments about life people were making and what was the best way to present to people using AR to learn about a specific area. After creating this journal I figured that it wasnt engaging enough to keep people reading their phone all day and didn’t add too much personality to the persona of the person leaving their statment.

This was another visualization of how the world could look through the lens of the app. Again I thought this wasn’t engaging enough to keep people on their phones just reading stories. It also wasnt versatile because the stories could be only posted onto walls and wasn’t relevant to the idea of thought and memories, it seemed to boring.

This is when we started to develop a object or theme that could represent the thoughts of individuals. We thought of objects or things that could float around the user, the main two we thought about were clouds or bubbles. We thought they were both effective because they could both be different sizes depending on the importance of the voice note it held. However we went with clouds because they were more flexible and we thought we could maybe play with the more verstile shape of a cloud to represent something more about the thought left there.
This was the start of imagining how we could show were the pin points of clouds would be on a map and how the user would navigate themsleves around the area to find these individual comments about the specific place. It was also the start of showing how the interface of the app might work to fit the idea of navigating an area that had items to dicover.